Thursday, July 26, 2012


  Every  year on  No smoking  Day  in the world,  more than  a  million  people  try  to  quit.  However,  there  are  still  a  number  of  folks  out  there who cling  to  the  anachronistic  pleasure  of  smoking,  and  love  minute  of it. The  rest  us,  though,  be we  smokers  or not,  hope  for the day  when the world  is  no  longer  subjected  to tarry, stinky  and  unhealthy  first-and  second- hand  smoke. Besides  the  general  enjoyment  of the habit,  there are bigger  hurdles  to  overcome  when considering  quitting.  The biggest, and most pervasive,  is the  difficulty  of  getting  over  the  nicotine  addiction.  As  with  most other challenges  in life, there are many  products  and promises  out there are aimed  at  making your journey  towed  a smoke-free life  easier.  Here’s  a list  of  some of the  more  common stop smoking  remedies  on the market. 
  The  patch
 The patch  is one  of the most prevalent stop  smoking  remedies  at your local  chemist. The aim  of the patch  is not to remove  all of the discomfort  that comes  with  quitting,  but to take  the  edge off. This  may  mean  that your symptoms  become  more manageable, thus enabling  you to  withstand  them  longer.  The patch  delivers  small,  even  doses  that  differ  from  the  dramatic  peaks  and  valleys  that come with  cold-turkey  stop  smoking  remedies,  which  is why  you  may  still  suffer  cravings  and  withdrawal  symptoms. 
How  effective  is this  stop  smoking  aid?
 This  aid  is used  daily  for  three  months. Because  it’s  not  a “cure “ for  smoking,  you  will  need  to  exercise  willpower  if you  want  to  quit  smoking.  Most  professionals  suggest  that you  use  the  patch  in  conjunction  with counseling  to increase  your  chances  of  quitting.  Side effects  your  that  have  been associated  with  the patch  include  sleep  disturbance  ( which  is  likely actually  due  to the nicotine  withdrawal  rather  than  the  patch  itself)  and/or  skin  irritation.
The pill
  As  far as stop  smoking  remedies  go, there is a relatively  new  option  on the market,  and it comes  in the form  of an  anti-depressant  pill.  The product’s  name  is  burping  ( otherwise  known  as Zyban),  and  it is a prescription  drug.  Studied have  shown  that  although  this  pill was not  created  to help  smokers  quit, it may help  control  cravings  and withdrawal  symptoms.
  How effective  is this stop  smoking  aid?
 According  to studies,  Zyban  is about  twice as  effective  as  nicotine  replacement  therapies  like gum  and the patch.  There are a few  known  side  effects,  such  as dry  mouth and difficulty  sleeping,  but  drowsiness  and  high  blood  pressure  rarely  occur.  The bonus  of the  pill is that  it is  easy  to  use  and does  not  contain nicotine,  so  it is in on way addictive.
 This differs  from the patch or the pill, which  give even levels  of product  throughout  the day. Because  of the smaller  dosage, you may suffer  cravings and withdrawal  symptoms,  but they  should  be  less  intense  and you can  chew  away  when they  become unbearable.
How  effective  is this  stop  smoking  aid?

 Typically,  nicotine  gum  is  used  for three monthsthe bonus  with nicotine    gum  is that  you can  chew  it as often  as needed-up to 24  pieces  a ady.  This  means  that you have control  over your  dosage,  and it  keeps your  mouth  and  mind  busy.
 Nicotine  inhaler
 The beauty  of the inhaler is that,  like  nicotine  gum,  it’s  possible  to take  a dose  whenever  you have a craving.  This  means that,  unlike  the  even-delivery  systems of  other  stop  smoking  remedies  such  as  the patch, you mimic  cases  your  body  demands  more  nicotine  when  it  gets  low).
 How  effective  is  this stop  smoking  aid?
   Overall, it is  similar  to the  patch  an the gum  because  it dose  deliver  nicotine,  but  in a much  smaller  dosage.  Irritation  of the  mouth  and throat  are the  common  side  effects  associated  with  the nicotine  inhaler. 
Other stop  smoking  remedies
   This  method  is meant  to stop  your  desire  for  cigarettes  on an  unconscious  level.  Many  people  claim  that  hypnosis  is effective,  but there  is no  proof  of this. 
 Based  on  ancient  Chinese  medical  techniques,  acupuncture  attempts  to  stimulate  energy  points  in the body.  Certainly,  there  are no  know  negative  side  effects  of acupuncture,  so  if you  think  it might  help, it  may be  worth a try.
Kick  butt
  The associated  dangers  of  smoking  are  no  secret,  and it's  relieving  to know  that  there are so  many  products  directed  expressly  at  helping  you quit.  All  manufacturers  of  these  aids  and  medical  experts  agree,  however,  that  you  should  use  stop  smoking  remedies  in  conjunction  with counseling  or  GROUP  therapy  to  help  increase  your  chances  for  success. Try  hard not to get discouraged –it is said that each  time you attempt to quit smoking your chances of success increase!


  1. I really wish to quit smoking. But in every pharmacy i asked, they say that they don't have any means of nicotine supplements 😭

    1. Maybe you have to work in mental way to stop!
      Friend of mine stop smok without any supplements and did not back!
      In mental way he understood that I abe to do that!
      Wish u good luck!!!

  2. Thanks for sharing nice information about anti-smoking patch with us. i glad to read this post.

    1. Very glad that this article was interesting for you.
      Hope to see you in my blog usually 👌
