Wednesday, May 30, 2012


No matter how calm ad relaxed you are as a person, it’s very easy to succumb to stress throughout your day. Things like being stuck in traffic on the way to work, discovering  that the coffee machine is broken, learning that your boss is gone and has left a pile of things to be done pronto, and not meeting a deadline can set you into a whirlwind of stressful thoughts.
The problem is that stress does not help the situation; it actually prevents you from being productive and getting on with the rest of your day successfully.
While there are ways to make you a more peaceful person overall, it’s still easy to fall into stress traps. Here are five easy ways to calm the stress that creeps up on you, especially at work.
An effective way to deal with stressful situations is to count to 10, as it helps you mentally step away from the stressful moment. Consider it the remote control of your life: You press “pause”, and once you’re done counting to10, you press “play” again. You’ll  be in better shape to focus on the task at hand.

Carry a stress ball or an object that you can squeeze when times get tough. Wringing something other than your colleague’s neck is an effective way to release your tension and stress.
If you feel like a stressful  scenario is getting the best of you, you can physically remove yourself from the situation. Get up, take a quick walk and  get some air. Give yourself a few minutes of downtime to clear your mind when things get too hectic.
I’m not suggesting that you run away, but rather that you leave for a moment and come back to the situation clearheaded and refreshed. If you don’t, you risk getting frustrated, which won’t allow you to think properly. As a result, you’ll feel more stressed out and your tension could get completely out of hand.
What if you’re stuck in traffic?
Of course, if the situation is bumper-to-bumper traffic, it’s
Impossible to physically remove yourself. In that case, force yourself to think about something other than the traffic for a few minutes. Close the window if all you hear are car horns and construction work.
Another option is to pop  in your favorite CD and focus on the music. Do whatever you can to get your mind off the situation for a few minutes. Once you’re relaxed, you can calmly think about the best alternate route to get to work.
Learn to keep things in perspective. When you feel stress coming on, Dr. Richard Carlson, author of Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, suggests asking yourself if you will really care about the issue you are worrying over a year from now. Chances are that the majority of things you stress about in your day-to-day life are not life threatening, unless they have to do with health and family.
Once you realize that a meeting is not going as well as you’d hoped or you discover a stain on the crotch of your pants, don’t freak out; these things will not determine the course of your life and will not bring on catastrophe. Learn to take things as they come and handle them with ease.
Taking situations a little more  lightly and cutting yourself some slack will ease your stress level and alleviate the amount of pressure you place on your shoulders. Of course, a final report at work is important and could be a determining factor in your career: I’m not suggesting you undermine your assignments and your goals. I’m only saying that when the going gets tough, think of the situation as a challenge you  can win, and if you fail, you’ll learn from it.
Breathing is more than just a function that keeps you alive; it actually helps clear you  mind calm you down. So the next time your heart palpitations are so loud that your entire office hears them, take deep breaths to physically and emotionally calm yourself down. No one can think properly when they feel like they are going into cardiac arrest.
These are basic ways to deal with stressful situations that can occur in everyday life. If you practice them, not only will you feel less stressed, but will the people around you.

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