In reality Santa Claus has been a clergyman. He is one of the most beloved saints of the Universal Church-Pontiff Nikoghayos( Nicholas the bishop). In his time Greek pontiff Nikoghayos used to go from home to home and to put money or gifts on the windowsills of the houses of the poor. The image of Santa Claus derives just from that fact. The translation of Santa Claus means St. Nikoghayos ( Nicholas ) . That’s why children admit the gifts of Santa Claus as God-granted gifts. For the Armenian nation the New Year is an appeal, an invitation to celebrate a feast.
In Christian sense the new Year is a day of special analyses when all deeds done during the year are summarized and thought over.
The Feast of the Holy Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ ( Christmas) , which is the commemoration of the Birth and Baptism of Jesus Christ, is one of the most important and beloved feasts of Christians throughout the world. Both by its essence and sacrament Christmas is more important than the New year. The New Year is merely a change of calendar year and has no sacrament. Whereas Christmas itself is the sacrament of the Birth of the son of god which becomes a new and endless beginning for the mankind. That’s why it is already more than 2000 years that all calendar calculations are conditioned by the Birth of Christ and are divided into BC ( before the birth of Christ ) and AD ( Anno Domani in the year since the birth of Christ).
The Feast of the Holy Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ ( Christmas ) is preceded by a fasting period starting on December 30and ending in the evening of January 5, when a Candlelight Divine Liturgy is celebrated. Any food of animal origin is forbidden during that period. Clergy exhort the faithful to meet the New Year in the Church, to ponder over the spiritual state and to receive God’s blessing.
By the order of His Eminence Archbishop Navasard Ktchoyan, Vicar of Araratian Patriarchal Diocese, on the night from December 1 to January 1 all central churches of Yerevan will be open till 2.00 a. m.
This material has been courteously provided by the press service of the Ararat Patriarchal Diocese at
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