Vacation: a blissful word
for every hard-working person
accompanied by still more delightful images of
idleness, purging of all important
calls and meetings that you used
to run late for because of
traffic jams and other
predicaments, feverishly trying to think of an
excuse to justify yourself before
your partner or mitigate the rage of
your employer to somehow suspend the
impulse of firing you. In addition, you
may enjoy the luxury of not looking through your e-mails.
And so, filled with joy and upbeat
expectations of benefiting from
every single jiffy of your leisure, you
set off for your journey. But… sometimes
even the slightest nuisance may spoil your entire holiday.
It is a know fact that during a vacation any little disappointment or
distress is more disturbing than in everyday life. However, predicting and preventing “unpleasant vacation
surprises” altogether is simply impossible.
Considering them beforehand would be good though, at least to know what to
expect and what to pay attention to during your successive voyages and vacations.
Weather can disrupt any perfectly arranged vacation. As a rule, we all expect
the weather to be fine on our
holidays with a lot of sun during the day and evening cools. On
the other hand, we all live in the 21st century, therefore the
weather quirks can be
conjectured days ahead. This
will help choose the clothing
to be packed. However, if you are not fully contented with the
anticipated weather conditions
and are not a big fan of rainy weather, you always change your ticket for
another destination.
Another disappointment
during a
vacation may be posed by accommodation.
Unfortunately, quite often
tour agencies tell you one
thing, whereas upon the
arrival you discover a quite different reality. In such circumstances
the promises of your travel agent
about luxury hotels
and first-class service
turn out to be an unsubstantiated
fairy-tale. Therefore, when told
about four or
five-star hotels, try not to envision lavish conveniences
because in that case
your disillusionment will
not be too devastating.
Anyway, if hotel conditions
are vitally important to you and are an addict of the principle “expensive,
but premium quality”, try
to use prestigious tour
agencies that have proven
their proficiency over
years and can offer upscale options
for similarly “upscale” remuneration.
Another source for
annoyance and irritation may be people, i. e. other holiday-makers, the service personnel,
tiresome strangers, etc. If the destination of your choice is not
inhabited by such hospitable
people as the Armenians, quite
frustrating may be the local
people, too, with their ungracious and unfriendly attitude.
In addition, trouble may descend
upon you in the form of your
better half. Without going into too much detail, sometimes
when couples do not file for divorce immediately after their vacation together, they prefer to spend the next vacation separately.

To avoid that, it would be
reasonable to take preventive measure before setting off for a journey. If
you suffer any chronic diseases, if you
have allergies or other health problems, consult your physician and take all the necessary medication with
Incidentally, a good way to avert any unexpected health problems is medical insurance, especially with
consideration of the fact that some
countries (the European Union,
for instance) simply require
medical insurance from visitors.
Many insurance companies offer
general and comprehensive coverage for
travelers. Travel insurance, as a rule,
includes medical assistance in the first
place, affording coverage for
emergency health care, medical evacuation and post-mortem expatriation costs. Travelers can also take
advantage of a wider ranger of
compensation including delinquent baggage, missed
flights, baggage loss and other types of reimbursement.
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