Friday, January 25, 2013

Captain St. Sarkis

  By  the  order  of  His holiness  Karekin II ,  Supreme  Patriarch  and  Catholicos  of  All  Armenians, the  Feast  of  St.  Sarkis  the  and  his  soldiers-companions  is  proclaimed  day  of blessing  of the youth.  This year  the  feast  is celebrated  on  26.                                                                 Captain    St.  Saris  is  one  of the most  beloved  saints among  the  Armenian  nation.  Together  with  his  14 soldiers- companions   he was   martyred  for  the sake  of Christian  faith.                              During  the  period  of  region  of  the  king  Kostandianos   the  Great (285-337)  St. Sarkis,  being  very  courageous,  was  appointed   the  prince  and  General  in chief  of  the  region  of  Cappadocia  bordering  Armenia.  When    during  the  period  region   of    the   king    Julianos  the  Betrayer  (360-363)  the  persecutions  against  Christians  started  by  God’s  will  St.  Sar kis  and  his  only   son—Martyros,  came   to  live   in Armenia,  and  the   Armenian  King   Tiran,  grandson  of   Tiridates,  received  them   very  well.  From   Armenian  St.  Sarkis  and  his  son  went  to  Persia,  and  started  serving  in  the   army   of the   Persian  King  Shapouh   as  the   captain   of    regiments.  Become  aware  of  the  fact   that  Sarkis   was   Christian  the king  Shapouh  ordered  him   to  worship  the   fire   and  offer  sacrifice  to  the   heathen  gods.  But the   captain   immediately  refused   to  obey   the  order  saying,  “We   should   worship  one    God—the  Holy   Trinity,  which  has  created   the   earth  and  the  heaven.  Whereas  fire  idols  are  not  gods  and   the   human   being   may   destroy  them.”  After  these  words  the  saint   destroyed  the  temple.   The   annoyed  crowd  fell   on  the  saint  and  his  son.    First  the  son  of the  saint  was  martyred.  The  saint  was  put  into  prison  and  remaining   unshaken  in  his  faith  was  beheaded. After  the  martyrdom  of  the  saint  light  appeared  over  his  body.  14  soldiers-companions  of the  saint  also  were martyred for the  sake  of  Christian  faith.                                                                                                                                                Later  St.  Mesrop  Mashtots  brought   the  relics  of  the  saint  to  the  village  Karbi  and  the  Church  of   St.  Sarkis  was  built  over  his  relics.                                                                                                    According   to  one  of  the  folk  stories  upon  return  of  their  victorious  battle  Captain  st.   Sarkis  and  his  39  soldiers- companions  celebrated  their  victory  in  the  royal  palace  all  of  them  were  drunk  and  went  to  sleep,  the  king   ordered   40  young  women  to  kill  the  brave  soldiers.  39   of  the woman  obeyed  the  order  and  killed  soldiers,  whereas  one  of   them   seeing  the  handsome  and  peaceful  face  of  sleeping  Sarkis  fell  in  love  him  and  instead  of  killing  kissed  him.  Getting    up   and  seeing  what  had  happened  St.  Sarkis  straddled  his  white  horse  and  taking  the  young  woman  with  him smashed  the  gates  of  the  city,  brought  up  violent  snow-storm  and  left  the city.  It  is  because  of  this   folk  story  people  in  love  started    to  consider  St.  Sarkis  their  intercessor  and  protector.  St. Sarkis  always   helps  and  supports  all  young  people  asking  his   help  and  support.                                                      According  to  the   studies  of   Academician   Karapet   Melik-Ohanjanyan ,  St.  Sarkis   was  the  patron  of  David  of   Sassoon  and  all   heroes  of  Sassoon  not  only      in  the  field  of  battle, but  also in  love.                                                                                                                                                                                        The   feast   of  St.  Sarkis  the  Captain  and his   soldiers-companions  is  celebrated  not  only  by  means  of  church  rites  and    prayer ,  but  also  folk  traditions.                                                            Wonders  are  worked  by  the  mediation  of  St.  Sarkis .  on  the day  of the  feast  young people  pray  asking  the  saint  to make   their  pryers  audible  to  God.  The  day  before  the  young  people  eat  salty  cookies  and  relate  the  appearance   of   their   future  bride  or bridegroom  in their   dream   to eating  of  the  salty  cookie.  After  eating  the salty  cookie  they eat   nothing  thanks  to  sincere  faith.                                                                                                               There   are  many miracles  and  folk   traditions  related  to the  saint.  On  the night preceding  the  feast  of  St.  Sarkis   the   faithful  people  place a   tray  full  of  gruel  before  the  door  believing  that  while  passing  near  their   door  at dawn  St. Sarkis   will  leave  his  footprint  on the  grul  symbolizing  the  fulfillment  of their  dreams. 
People  in  love  present each  other cards, flowers or sweets  on the  occasion of the feast.  

This material has  been  courteously  provided by the press service of the  Ararat Patriarchal  Diocese at

Friday, January 4, 2013


   Why do the Christian churches  celebrate  the Feast  of the Holy Nativity  and  Theophany of Our Lord  Jesus Christ  on various  days?

   The Armenian Apostolic Church  celebrates  the Feast  of  the Holy Nativity  and Theophany  of  the Lord Jesus  Christ  on January 6.  the roman  Catholic  celebrates  the Feast of   the holy  Nativity  and Theophany  of Our Lord   Jesus Christ  on December 25.

   Before  the 4th  century all  Christians celebrated  the Feast of the  Holy Nativity  and   Theophany  of Our Lord Jesus Christ  on  January 6.  However, even  after adopting  Christianity  Romans  continued  to  celebrate  heathen  feasts.  The thing  is  that   on  December  25  the feast  dedicated  to the  worship  of sun was  solemnly  celebrated.  In  order to hinder  the  celebration  of  heathen  feasts in 336  the Roman  catholic  officially  proclaimed   December  25  as the day  of birth  of Jesus  Christ.  Later  the day  of Jesus Christ  was   moved  to December  25  in Assyria  and almost in all  parts  of the  east, and  January  6  remained  as the day  of the holy nativity and Thophany  and Baptism  of our Lord  Jesus    Christ.

  Only  the Armenian apostolic  Church  has  remained  loyal  to the ancient  tradition  and  evangelical  calculations  and  celebrates  the Feast  of the Holy Nativity  and Theophany  of  Our Lord  Jesus  Christ  jointly  on January 6.
  Why  does period of fast coincide  with  period  of New  year?
  According  to the Armenian  apostolic  Church  the week preceding the Feast  of the Holy  Nativity  and  Theophany  of Our Lord Jesus  Christ- December  30- January  5-is  fasting  period  and  people  eat  food  of exceptionally  vegetable  origin.
 According  to the old  Armenian  Calendar  the  new Year  was celebrated  of August  11  which  didn’t  coincide  with  the fasting  period.  Later the new  calendar was accepted  and as the  result  of it  people  started to  celebrate the New  Year on December  31  which  coincided  with  the  period  of fast  preceding  the Feast  of the holy Nativity  and Theophany  of Our lord   Jesus  Christ.
  The period of  fast  comes to end  in the  evening of  January 5 when a candlelight  Divine  Liturgy  is  celebrated  and the great  tiding of Jesus’  birth is proclaimed  to the  faithful.  People   greet  each  other  saying,  Christ  is born  and Revealed !  Blessed  is the Revelation of  Christ.  
  What is Candlelight  Divine Liturgy?
It  is interesting that  the celebration of the Feast of the holy Nativity  and Theophany  of Our   Lord  Jesus  Christ  starts  on the  evening of January 5  as  the church  day  changes  at 17: 00  p.m.,  after  the evening  service.  So the  celebration  of the  feast  starts  in the  evening of   January 5 and is  continued on  January 6 . 
  In the evening of January 5  candlelight  Divine  Liturgy  is celebrated  in all  Armenian
churches.  It is  interesting  that  candlelight  Divine Liturgy  is   celebrated only  twice  during  the   year  on the eve  of the Feast  of the Holy  Nativity and Theophany  of Our Lord  Jesus  Christ  and on the eve of the Feast  of the Glorious  Resurrection  of  Our Lord Jesus  Christ. In the evening of that  day people  take to their homes  candles lit in the church  symbolizing  the divine light and the  blessing  of the Church. Lighting  candles  symbolizes  also the light  of Bethlehem  star  leading  the magi  from the  east to the   Baby Jesus.
 Ceremonies  related to the Feast  of the Holy Nativity  and Theophany  of Our Lord  Jesus Christ
 Blessing of the Waters  Service  to  celebrate  the Baptism  of Christ  in the river  Jordan.  The  wonder-working  water blessed  by means  of cross  and  Holy Chrism  is  distributed  to the  faithful  for spiritual  and bodily healing.
  Among the ceremonies  related to the  feast  is the Blessing  of the Home Service.  After the  Feast  of holy Nativity  and Theophany  of Our Lord Jesus Christ  and the Feast  of the  Glorious  Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ  people  invite  clergy  to their  homes  and  offices  to  receive the life-giving  tiding and  divine  blessing. Blessing of the Home Service is  performed  also  when the peace of home is disturbed and the  presence of evil forces is felt.
  January 7, as well  as all  the days  following  the major feasts are memorial days ( or  days of Remembrance  of the dead).  On January 7 ( and all  memorial  days ) a special  Repose  of Souls  Service  is  offered in memory  of the dead  after which people  go the graveyards  to pay visit  to  their  relative’s tombs.
   The ceremonies  related to the  Feast of the Holy Nativity  and Theophany  of Our Lord Jesus Christ are concluded on  January 13,  the Feast of   Naming of Our  Lord Jesus  Christ.
This material has  been  courteously  provided by the press service of the  Ararat Patriarchal  Diocese at